Name | Fahrdienst Sage |
Office | Zehlendorfer Damm 45, 14532 Kleinmachnow |
Telephone | +49 30 53 02 38 28 | | |
Owner | Holger Sage |
Responsible for content and text | Holger Sage |
USt-IdNr. | DE 269903385 |
Approval according to §49 PBefG with rental car for commercial passenger transport Competent approval authority: Strassenverkehrsamt Potsdam – Mittelmark Fachbereich Sicherheit, Ordnung und Verkehr Fachdienst: Verkehrsmanagement Am Gutshof 1 D-14542 Werder/Havel |
Consumer information on online dispute resolution in accordance with Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013
As part of the regulation on online dispute resolution on consumer affairs, an online dispute resolution platform of the EU Commission is available at